
Our special team

One remark made by clients is that they notice how well the staff works with each other.  Clients feel that it is noticeable when they walk in the door, that there is no tenseness or hostility in the air.  I feel a great sense of pride that others can appreciate how much we all enjoy and support one another, even though we are a very diverse group.

One thing that really helps us is the cross training we do.  When your pet is checked in for an appointment, it may be by someone that works at the front desk, or a nurse that also does anesthesia, takes radiographs, ect.  Nurses will also often answer the phone or check someone out at the desk and make appointments.  That is not to say they all don’t have their specialties, but by doing others’ jobs, they develop a strong sense of respect and value for what the other staff members are doing.  It is far too often in veterinary clinics that there is a rift between the “front” and the “back”.  It always warms my heart to hear a staff member offering to help another because they believe in the others’ work ethic and intentions.

Staff members learning about injuries to a dog knee.

Dr. Lisa teaching Karen & Joachim about dog knee injuries

That is not to say that we don’t have our moments.  Our jobs are very intense sometimes, with so much at stake.  It is understandable that we sometimes have miscommunications or are at times self-focused because of the job at hand.  What I think sets us apart is our ability to sit down as a group and talk  honestly and openly about what didn’t go so well, and really hear the other people’s perspective.  This is a very difficult and vulnerable thing to do, and I am really impressed with the character of the people I work with.

The other thing that I think bonds us together is humor and humility.  The more we can lighten the mood and not take ourselves too seriously, the more the whole hospital has an air of cheerfulness and positivity.  My coworkers are all dedicated to the patients and people they care for in a very deep way.  I think our fondness and respect for each other flows naturally to the clients and patients we serve.

Doctors reading xray together.

Dr. Lisa and Dr. April work together to read an xray.